Blog #2

     So I finally finished my book ''Wonder'', picking up from my last blog i'm going to tell you  everything else you need to know, or should know. Olivia known as Via, August's sister found a boyfriend his name is Justin and he is in a band but hes also in the play via tried out for but didn't quite make it into. Her ''ex-friend'' Miranda got the leading girl role over Via so she was pretty upset but Via was her understudy. When time came closer to the play Via still had not told her parents about it so when they found out they were mad at Via. The opening night of the play Miranda decided she was sick and she couldn't perform so Via had to and she was nervous but she did good. Although Miranda wasn't actually sick she was just doing it to be nice to Via. After the play Miranda and Via hung out and started to become close again.
      Auggie had to get hearing aids, somethings he has always hoped he didn't have to get. He hated them because they were attached to a headband since he doesn't have ear lobes like we do. Then August went on a school trip for a weekend. The whole class went when they went to go see a outside movie they couldn't see in the dark to find the bathroom. On the way there these older, bigger kids started to pick on Auggie and some of the kids from his school that bullied him started to stick up for him against the older kids there was a big fight and August lost his expensive hearing aids. After the camping trip the bullies at Auggie's school became his really good friends. Now its the end of the school year and turns out school wasn't half bad and Auggie actually ended up liking it and wanting to go back next yeat.


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Blog #1