
Blog #2

     So I finally finished my book ''Wonder'', picking up from my last blog i'm going to tell you  everything else you need to know, or should know. Olivia known as Via, August's sister found a boyfriend his name is Justin and he is in a band but hes also in the play via tried out for but didn't quite make it into. Her ''ex-friend'' Miranda got the leading girl role over Via so she was pretty upset but Via was her understudy. When time came closer to the play Via still had not told her parents about it so when they found out they were mad at Via. The opening night of the play Miranda decided she was sick and she couldn't perform so Via had to and she was nervous but she did good. Although Miranda wasn't actually sick she was just doing it to be nice to Via. After the play Miranda and Via hung out and started to become close again.       Auggie had to get hearing aids, somethings he has always hoped he didn't have to get. He hated

Blog #1

Hi my names Maci and i like to read books and right now I'm re-reading a very good book that I've also watched the movie to, its called Wonder by R.J. Palacio. since i don't read the books very fast I'm only about half way through the book. The book is about a little boy named August born with a face deformity, he has had many surgery's to try and improve his looks although he still doesn't appear ''normal'' like everyone else.  He was home schooled all through his elementary years by his mom and he is just starting middle school like everyone else although he didn't want to he agreed to give it a try for his parents. At first he hated it because of all the looks he got from the other kids in the hall, and how nobody would sit with I'm or even touch him. then a girl named Summer sat with him at lunch and made his day better. In every class he sat next to one of his friends named Jack Will.Halloween is August's favorite holiday because